"There will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases."
Dr. Anthony Fauci - 2017
COVID Action Platform - World Economic Forum (WEF)

COVID-19 Test kits imports by country 2017 & 2018
In 2017, Top exporters of COVID-19 Test kits are Switzerland ($23,684,716.51K , 2,538,500 Kg), Germany ($17,464,406.19K , 7,242,210 Kg), European Union ($16,940,789.16K , 8,953,990 Kg), United States ($8,283,146.64K , 7,020,260 Kg), Ireland ($6,356,054.92K , 590,259 Kg).

In 2018, Top exporters of COVID-19 Test kits are European Union ($26,182,358.76K , 12,088,700 Kg), Switzerland ($24,458,977.70K , 2,589,620 Kg), Germany ($21,681,696.06K , 9,235,080 Kg), Ireland ($13,525,345.37K , 810,940 Kg), United States ($9,921,199.88K , 8,611,830 Kg).

>>> Since these screenshots were taken, World Integrated Trade Solutions (WTS) has changed COVID-19 Test Kits to MEDICAL Test Kits on their website.
Gates & Soros Partner with China for Covid-19 Drug

For 6% of Deaths, COVID was the ONLY cause mentioned
This week the #CDC quietly updated the #Covid number to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid...
->That's 9,210 deaths in the US<-
The other 94% had 2-3 other serious illnesses & the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age”

